Tuesday, February 22, 2011

LipService Rocks My World!

Lipservice clothes certainly do rock my world, I can't get enough of them even if they are not always practicle.

These however are my wardrobe MUST HAVE and I have a few.

They are from the Gangsta Pranksta range called Spaghetti Sally Shorts.

Though I removed the straps from mine, I still highly reccommend these.
They are comfy and practicle in the heat of the day and go with pretty much everything I have in my wardrobe.

I wear mine every day in summer and have yet to wear them out.

I have several of the black ones and one of the grey and white.
The grey and white is a larger fit than the plain black ones, but not too big to be a problem.

I hope to add more of these to my wardrobe before next summer, just to make sure I never run out!

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